Most components that present a user interface, have an item in the navigation tree that presents a panel when the item is clicked. 

Adding a tree item

When you are ready to create your user interface, the first thing that you typically do is add an item to the navigation tree. 

NavItemHelpers in the sdk provides a much more convenient way of managing navigation items. However the examples in this section use the full low level APIs.

When creating your framework you have to wait until the ComponentUIAPI interface has been registered. Your component will get a COMPONENT_NOTIFY_NEWINTERFACE message with a UUID of UIFRAMEWORK_INTERFACE_UUID when the host component framework is ready to be used.

static NavigationItemUIInterface notificationInterface;

NavHandle CreateTreeItem()
	// Set up our notification interface so we can receive messages relating to the the navigation item we will insert into the tree
	notificationInterface.dwSize					= sizeof(NavigationItemUIInterface);
	notificationInterface.NavItemCreateWindow		= NavItemCreateWindow;						// Called when the framework wants a window from us
	notificationInterface.NavItemDrawItem			= NULL;
	notificationInterface.NavItemNotify				= NavItemNotify;							// For receiving general messages
	notificationInterface.NavItemGetHelpContent		= NavItemGetHelpContent;					// For dynamic help content in the help pane of the UI
	notificationInterface.NavItemFreeHelpContent	= NavItemFreeHelpContent;
	notificationInterface.NavItemShowContextHelp	= NavItemShowContextHelp;					// For F1 help
	notificationInterface.NavItemKeyboardNavigate 	= NavItemKeyboardNavigate;					// To handle custom keyboard navigation within our panel. (optional)

	// Get the correct location to insert our new item under. In this case it will be the "Control Panel" node. This has a well known alias that we can use.
	NAVSETITEM controlPanelItem;
	if ( !NavGetItem(_T("{ControlPanel}"), &controlPanelItem) )
		return NULL;										// Couldn't find it, so we won't go any further

	memset(&treeItem, 0, treeItem);
	treeItem.size = sizeof(NAVSETITEM);
	treeItem.flags = NI_FLAG_CUSTOMCONTAINER;				// This is a custom container where we control the panel. 
	treeItem.lParam = NULL;									// Set any special context data that you want to be sent with messages to the notificationInterface
	treeItem.strLabel = L"Ad Blocker";
	treeItem.strDescription = L"This component adds an HTTP Filter that blocks advertising";
	treeItem.hModule = AfxGetResourceHandle();				// Where to get resources from
	treeItem.nIconId = iconResourceId;						// Some resource id of the icon to display in the navigation tree
	treeItem.EventMask = 0;									// No special events. NI_EVENT_ACTIVATE, NI_EVENT_DEACTIVATE are always sent. See NavInsertItem for more information
	treeItem.pInterface = notificationInterface;			// The interface we are wanting to use to handle events from this item
	treeItem.strAlias = L"{MyCompanyAdBlocker}";			// Adds an alias. Makes it easier to find and compare navigation items later.
	if ( !NavInsertItem(controlPanelItem.hItem, L"MyCompanyAdBlockerPath", &treeItem) ) 	// The path "MyCompanyAdBlockerPath" is an internal name the user never sees but must be unique under a particular root.
		return NULL;
	return treeItem.hItem;

In the example above we have set treeItem.lParam to NULL. However this is a free form field and you may wish to set this to some object which is then used to process your events in a more object oriented fashion. e.g.

	MyController *controller = (MyController *)pN->pContext;
	return controller->OnNavItemNotify(pN);	


Getting notified of activation and deactivation

The pInterface member above points to an interface that will be called to handle events relating to your inserted item. The most common of these are NI_EVENT_ACTIVATE an NI_EVENT_DEACTIVATE which are called when the user selects your item in the tree and when they click away to another item. 

// Callback that handles notification messages relating to our navigation item. This is a member of a NavigationItemUIInterface object that is passed to NavInsertItem.
 	if ( pN->nMsg == NI_EVENT_ACTIVATE )
		return 0;
 	if ( pN->nMsg == NI_EVENT_DEACTIVATE )
		return 0;
	return 0;

Creating a custom panel

When the WMC needs you to create the window relating to your navigation tree item then it calls the NavigationItemUIInterface interface function NavItemCreateWindow. In this function you need to return the HWND associated with your window.

MyPanel *myPanel = nullptr;
static HWND NavItemCreateWindow(NAVCREATEITEM* pCs)
	if ( myPanel == nullptr )
		myPanel = new MyPanel();
		myPanel->Create(pCs->hParent, CRect(pCs->rcWnd));			// The parent window and required rect for your window is passed in the NAVCREATEITEM structure
	return myPanel->GetHwnd();