Page tree

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Navigation based help allows you to associate help with a particular navigation hierarchy in the navigation tree. If you have registered a help item for a particular navigation item then when a user navigates to that location in the tree the framework will query you for help content for that item. F1 help allows you to supply help in your dialogs and panels that is displayed when the user presses F1.

Navigation Help

To get help appearing in the help pane Navigation help can be either static or dynamic. Static help is set when you insert the item with NavInsertItem but dynamic help is queried for by the framework when the user navigates to an item in the associated navigation tree item.

To get dynamic help appearing there are two things you need to do.

First, register a help item with a Navigation Path that contains the path of the associated tree item. For instance, if the tree item was registered with the path NAVIGATIONTREE\ControlPanel\MyComponent  then the path you need to use for the main content of the help item is HELP\NAVIGATIONTREE\ControlPanel\MyComponent


Code Block
static NavigationItemUIInterface notificationInterface;
void SetupNotificationInterface()
    // Set up our notification interface so we can receive messages relating to the the navigation item we will insert into the tree
    memset(&notificationInterface, 0, sizeof(notificationInterface));
    notificationInterface.dwSize                    = sizeof(notificationInterface);
    notificationInterface.NavItemCreateWindow       = NavItemCreateWindow;                      // Called when the framework wants a window from us
    notificationInterface.NavItemDrawItem           = NULL;
    notificationInterface.NavItemNotify             = NavItemNotify;                            // For receiving general messages
    notificationInterface.NavItemGetHelpContent     = NavItemGetHelpContent;                    // For dynamic help content in the help pane of the UI
    notificationInterface.NavItemFreeHelpContent    = NavItemFreeHelpContent;
    notificationInterface.NavItemShowContextHelp    = NavItemShowContextHelp;                   // For F1 help
    notificationInterface.NavItemKeyboardNavigate   = NavItemKeyboardNavigate;                  // To handle custom keyboard navigation within our panel. (optional)
// Called below
NavHandle CreateTreeItem()
    // Get the correct location to insert our new item under. In this case it will be the "Control Panel" node. This has a well known alias that we can use.
    NAVSETITEM controlPanelItem;
    if ( !NavGetItem(_T("{ControlPanel}"), &controlPanelItem) )
        return NULL;                                        // Couldn't find it, so we won't go any further
    NAVSETITEM treeItem;
    memset(&treeItem, 0, sizeof(treeItem));
    treeItem.size = sizeof(treeItem);
    treeItem.flags = NI_FLAG_CUSTOMCONTAINER;               // This is a custom container where we control the panel.
    treeItem.lParam = NULL;                                 // Set any special context data that you want to be sent with messages to the notificationInterface
    treeItem.strLabel = L"Ad Blocker";
    treeItem.strDescription = L"This component adds an HTTP Filter that blocks advertising";
    treeItem.hModule = AfxGetResourceHandle();              // Where to get resources from
    treeItem.nIconId = iconResourceId;                      // Some resource id of the icon to display in the navigation tree
    treeItem.EventMask = 0;                                 // No special events. NI_EVENT_ACTIVATE, NI_EVENT_DEACTIVATE are always sent. See NavInsertItem for more information
    treeItem.pInterface = notificationInterface;            // The interface we are wanting to use to handle events from this item
    treeItem.strAlias = L"{MyCompanyAdBlocker}";          // Adds an alias. Makes it easier to find and compare navigation items later.
    if ( !NavInsertItem(controlPanelItem.hItem, L"MyCompanyAdBlockerPath", &treeItem) )   // The path "MyCompanyAdBlockerPath" is an internal name the user never sees but must be unique under a given parent.
        return NULL;
    return treeItem.hItem;									// NavInsertItem sets hItem if successful
std::wstring GetFQNOfTreeItem(NavHandle treeItem)
	NavGetItemEx(treeItem, &itemData);
	return itemData.strFQN;
NavHandle GetHelpRoot()
	if(NavGetItem(L"HELP", &item))
		return item.hItem;
	return NULL;

// Error checking removed for brevity
void SetUpNavigationItems()
	NavHandle treeItem = CreateTreeItem();
	std::wstring treeItemFqn = GetFQNOfTreeItem(treeItem);
	NavHandle helpRoot = GetHelpRoot();
	memset(&helpItem, 0, sizeof(helpItem));
	helpItem.size = sizeof(helpItem);
	helpItem.strLabel = L"My help label";
	helpItem.strDescription = L"Help for my component";
	helpItem.flags = NI_FLAG_DYNAMICHELP;						// We want to be called dynamically.
	helpItem.EventMask = NI_EVENT_NOTIFY; 						// Need to set this so our callback for dynamic help is processed
	helpItem.pInterface = &notificationInterface;				// Interface to handle callbacks to ask for dynamic help
	NavInsertItem(helpRoot, (treeItemFqn + L"\\Main").c_str(), helpItem);		// Insert the item as a child of HELP, with the same path as the tree item for the Main section

Help Hierarchy

Navigation help

HELP\NAVIGATIONTREE\Header - All Header items are put into header of help, regardless of location in tree