Page tree

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Code Block
NAVSETITEM taskRootData;
NavGetItem(L"TASKLIST", &taskRootData);					// Get the task root to put our group under
NavHandle taskRoot = taskRootData.hItem;

NAVSETITEM taskGroupData;
memset(&taskGroupData, 0, sizeof(taskGroupData));
taskGroupData.flags = NI_FLAG_CONTAINER;				// Signals it's a group that will hold tasks
taskGroupData.strLabel = L"Ad Blocker";
taskGroupData.strDescription = L"Tasks for the Ad Blocker component";
NavInsertItem(taskRootData.hItemtaskRoot, L"AdBlockerTaskGroup", &taskGroupData);			// Error handling removed for brevity
NavHandle taskGroup = taskGroupData.hItem;

As with all navigation items, the label passed to NavInsertItem is a free form text field that has to be unique within amongst its parentsiblings.


Once the group is inserted, add tasks beneath it in a similar manner.
