
Schema calls describe the signature used for a schema function call. The schema framework uses this to validate the arguments when the call is made in schema script and also to show the correct signature in the symbol picker in the user interface.

Creating and using

Register the call with SchemaClassRegisterCall

Add parameters to the call with SchemaCallRegisterParam

Set the call as the signature for a schema member when you register the member with SchemaClassRegisterMember


void RegisterSchema()
	HINSTANCE instance = AfxGetResourceHandle();
	SchemaHandle client = SchemaOpenRegistry(L"MySchemaClientName");

	// Type is undefined and handler is null because we never instantiate this class
	SchemaHandle schemaClass = SchemaRegisterClass(client, LocString(L"MyClassName", instance, IDS_CLASS_NAME, IDS_CLASS_DESCRIPTION), SystemType::Undefined, NULL);
	SchemaHandle fileExistsParams = SchemaClassRegisterCall(client, schemaClass, L"FileExistsParams");
	SchemaCallRegisterParam(fileExistsParams, LocString(L"ParamIdName", instance, IDS_PARAM_FRIENDLY_NAME, IDS_PARAM_DESCRIPTION), SystemType::AString, false);

	// Register a class member that has a signature that is the previously registered "FileExistsParams" call.
	SchemaHandle fileExists = SchemaClassRegisterMember(client, schemaClass, LocString(L"FileExists", instance, IDS_FUNC_NAME, IDS_FUNC_DESCRIPTION), eSchemaReadOnly, SystemType::Boolean, eSchemaVarDispCall, FileExistsFunc, -1, L"FileExistsParams");
