Schema Script is a language for expression evaluation. It can perform all the standard arithmetic operators and can access schema objects (and their methods) as registered local and global variables.

Schema script is executed with a call to SchemaEvalRequest or SchemaScriptRun

Schema Script does not support flow control statements like if, do, while and function calls.



trueLogical true
falseLogical false
andLogical AND
orLogical OR
notLogical NOT
nandLogical NAND
orLogical NOR



.Member access


**Raise to the power
|Bitwise OR
^Bitwise XOR
&Bitwise AND
~Bitwise NOT
<<Logical shift left
>>Logical shift right
+=Addition assignment
-=Subtraction assignment
*=Multiplication assignment
/=Division assignment
%=Module assignment
**=Power assignment
|=Bitwise OR assignment
^=Bitwise XOR assignment
&=Bitwise AND assignment
<<=Logical shift left assignment
>>=Logical shift right assignment
<Less than
>Greater than
<=Less than or equal
>=Greater than or equal
==Equality check
!=Inequality check
||Logical OR
&&Logical AND
!Logical NOT


Check if the requested URL contains a site to block

return Request.URL.Contains("",false)	// returns true if the URL contains (Case insensitive)


Set a variable and use it in an expression

nameToBlock = "Jim"
return User.Name.Contains(nameToBlock,false)