Modules can consist of one or more dependency files (data files, dlls, help files etc) and the host framework needs to know which file is the one that will provide the core interface functions for your module. To specify this, you need to add the entryPoint attribute to the manifest file for the appropriate dependency.

For example, the sample file below shows that MyModule.dll will be used as the entry point:

		<module name="MyModule" host="Engine" id="{030440ab03-0aca-0f0e-12d0-12737bead24d}" mandatory="yes" debugPath="Debug" releasePath="Release">
				<dependency file="MyModule.dll"  entryPoint="1" >
					<md5 value="" />
					<platform os="WinAny" />
					<destination value="local" />
					<signInfo path="%SourceRoot%\MyModule\Release" />					
				<dependency file="MyModuleHelpFile.chi"  >
					<md5 value="" />
					<platform os="WinAny" />
					<destination value="local" />
					<signInfo path="%SourceRoot%\MyModule\HelpFiles" />