All information about your package resides in a manifest file that is loaded by the host process. It describes the modules in the package, and the files and metadata for each module. For a manifest to be usable by a retail WinGate, it needs to be signed with the Manifest Prep tool which is found in the tools directory of the SDK. For developing your modules in Developer Mode you do not need to sign your manifest file.

Here is an example manifest file. 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<wingatePackage packageVersion="1.0"> 
 <package id="{1a3e50d9-bd41-4c1a-a8eb-b81b2aa593f3}" name="Facebook sanitiser" description="Turns all Facebook pictures into pictures of cats" >
		<module name="Facebook Sanitiser UI" host="UI" id="{2a1d44a9-db14-2c3c-a1eb-b61b3db697e3}"  subPath="" debugPath="UI\Debug" releasePath="UI\Release">
				<dependency file="FBSanitiserUI.dll" entryPoint="1" >
					<md5 value="" />
					<platform os="Any" />
					<destination value="local" />
					<signInfo path="%SourceRoot%\MyModules\FBSanitiser\UI\Release" />
		<module name="Facebook Sanitiser Engine" host="Engine" id="{0b3b5011-ca0d-23d6-a9ea-711c5b43f7bd}"  mandatory="yes" subPath="" debugPath="Engine\Debug" releasePath="Engine\Release">
				<dependency file="FBSanitiserEng.dll" entryPoint="1" >
					<md5 value="" />
					<platform os="Any" />
					<destination value="local" />
					<signInfo path="%SourceRoot%\MyModules\FBSanitiser\Engine\Release" />



All packages must have this node, along with a packageVersion attribute with a value of "1.0". The Manifest Prep tool will fail if this node is not present. 


Describes the package as a whole. See About Packages, Modules, Components and Interfaces for more information.

id - The UUID of your package.

name - The user displayable name of your package.

description - A user displayable description of your package.


Root node for the modules within your package. There can be any number of modules in a package.


Describes a single module within your package. 

name - User friendly name of this module.

You may wish to distinguish between the UI or Engine versions of your module when specifying the name in order to make it easier to identify in the Modules panel in the WinGate Management Console

host - What host should be used to load this module. Acceptable values are "UI", "Engine" and "All". Only specified hosts will attempt to load the module.

id - The UUID of the module, including the braces.

mandatory - Whether this module is mandatory and therefore cannot be disabled by a user.

subPath - Must be empty.

debugPath - The path relative to the manifest file where module files are located when running in debug mode. NOTE: Only valid when running with a WinGate Developer License

releasePath - The path relative to the manifest file where module files are located when running in release mode. NOTE: Only valid when running with a WinGate Developer License

debugPath and releasePath attributes are stripped by the Manifest Prep tool.


Root path for module dependencies. See About Packages, Modules, Components and Interfaces for more information.


Describes a single dependency file for the enclosing module. 

file -  The filename of the file

entryPoint - Indicates whether this file is considered the Entry Point for the module. Value values are "1" and "0"


value - Filled out by the Manifest Prep tool with the MD5 of this dependency file's contents. Leave blank.


os - The operating system that this dependency will be synchronised for. Supported values are WinAny, WinNt351, WinNt4, WinXp, Win2k, Win2k3, WinVista, Win7, Win2k8, Win2k8R2, Win2k12, Win2k12R2, Win8, Win81, Win10


value - Where the dependency's destination is. Values are:

local - File is placed in the same location as the manifest file

shared - File is placed in the WinGate installation directory


path - The folder that holds the final version of this dependency that should be signed. See SourceRoot for more information.